Updated Announcement From Dr. Cotton

Dear Parents and Students:
First I want to thank you for the overwhelming support for keeping all of our campuses closed this coming week. We are in uncharted times in which each of our families face the well documented dangers of the COVID-19 virus. Having the schools closed is the best protection we can have at this stage of the pandemic. The disruption our families will face this week will be significant. The best we can do as leaders of Cumberland Academy and The Leadership Academy is to keep everyone well informed and communicate frequently what we have learned with each of you. To process and understand the medical issues created by this viral infection, our Board of Directors has two physicians and a Registered Nurse and the Director of the Schools is also a Registered Nurse. I am on a Medical Advisory Board of a large health care company and receive daily updates as we continue to learn more about this dangerous viral infection. Mrs. Cotton, the School Director, is on daily conference calls with the Texas Education Agency Commissioner receiving information on the effect of the virus and on the education of our students especially with school closures. Our next anticipated communication with you will be late Monday. On Monday the Director will meet with all the Principals and Administrators.
Please know that all future decisions will be guided first and foremost for your safety, our student's safety, and the safety of our neighbors. We are all in this together. Stay safe!
Yours Thoughtfully,
Jim Cotton, MD
Chairman, Board of Directors
Cumberland Academy and The Leadership Academy