Update From CAH Front Office

Dear CAH Parents,
Here are some updates as we have them currently.  The link below is a parent guide to Google Classroom for your reference.  Please know that as we receive communication regarding closing updates and other events we will email those to you as well as post to our website and FB pages. 
  1. Online Courses begin Monday, March 23.  Students can check their student email for instructions from their teachers.
  2. Parents may pick up student medications Monday or Tuesday between the hours of 9:00-12:00.
  3. Parents/Students may come to the front office Tuesday or Wednesday. between the hours of 9:00-11:00 if they need to check out an iPad or if they are experiencing technology issues.
  4. Students may access school WiFi from the school parking lot Tuesday-Wednesday from 9:00-11:00.
  5.  All UIL activities (sports, music and academics) have been postponed until May.
  6. Prom has been cancelled. We will look at rescheduling if possible.
  7. Students needing counseling services can still use Anonymous Alerts.
  8. There has not been a decsion made yet regarding graduation.
  9. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PDVZvie0DnFbFEVFB8U3j89o1mD5BCUXTE6ymbb9y_k/mobilepresent?slide=id.g4f60ec15fb_1_0