Update From The Food Director

We will be doing lunch boxes Saturday March 28th with pickup time being 2:30 -4:00.  We had a lot more than anticipated last week so please follow these instructions. Even if you signed up last week you have to sign up again and I MUST have the students first and last name.   I CANNOT add you to the list if I don't have their names.  Please be there by 4:00.  If for some reason you are running late please let me know and I will stay a few extra minutes.  If you are not able to make it to the school we can possibly deliver it to you if it isn't too far.  The deadline to sign up is 9:00 a.m Friday morning,  we need to have enough time to prep everything since we do not have a large staff. Please only sign up if you are going to for sure come and if you really need it.  We had quite a few that never showed up and did not let me know.  You can sign up either emailing or texting me at kalsheikh@cumberlandacademy.com or 903-539-0082 ( please no texts after 10 p.m).  I hope everyone is able to enjoy the beautiful weather and we can't wait to see you Saturday!  
Thanks,  Kelly